Megabass S-Crank — Lake Pro Tackle Skip to content

Megabass S-Crank



Megabass S-Crank

Honed and refined over two years, the s-crank square bill concept features a patented design that generates a hard-hitting wobble action along with an erratic hunting, wandering retrieve. S-crank’s unique slalom action works even at high-speeds, wandering laterally off-course but always hunting back to center. Not only does this allow more effective coverage of wider areas, but the erratic wandering action triggers reaction bites much like deflections, increasing productivity in open water.

Tight, enticing wobble draws inactive predators, while the sudden wandering escape action triggers decisive reaction bites.

Megabass Length Weight Depth
S-Crank 1.2 2-1/3" 3/8oz* 4ft
S-Crank 1.5 2-1/2" 1/2oz 5ft
Color: Secret Gill