Mend-It Soft Bait Glue — Lake Pro Tackle Skip to content

Mend-It Soft Bait Glue

by Mend-it
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Mend-It Soft Bait Glue

Mend-It is an amazing fishing glue that will take any damaged soft plastic bait and make it as good as new!  Mend-It creates a catalyzing bond that fuses your soft plastic baits back together, leaving them as soft and pliable as the day you bought them.

Mend-it takes about five to ten minutes to completely cure. It dries soft, clear and strong and won't stick to anything but soft plastic baits! Also ideal for sticking on eyes and over-coating then to ensure longer life!

In order to provide the best possible product in the best possible container and to totally eliminate evaporation, Mend-it is in glass bottles. The shelf life of these bottles will exceed 3 years. A built-in brush allows precise application of our glue which perfectly fixes any soft plastic bait.

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