Lake Belton | Texas — Lake Pro Tackle Skip to content

Lake Belton
Fishing Report

About Lake Belton

Lake Belton is reputed to have excellent angling opportunities for largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass. You are likely to find this to be a matter of quantity over quality. There are a good number of fish in the lake, but Belton is not known for producing trophy-class bass. There are, of course, exceptions, like the record fish of 13.97lb largemouth bass and a 6.43lb smallmouth bass. Check the links below to find out where are our Lake Pros are fishing and use the lure selector to find out what they are using to put fish on their line. 

Lake Belton Fishing Regulations

State regulations apply for all species on Lake Belton. Visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife website for more information about Lake Belton fishing records, stocking history and the latest survey report.

Current Lake Belton Fishing Report

03-26-2023 | Read the Video Transcript
Grade A
Lake Pros rate their lakes A, B, or C based on how the lake is fishing. An A rating means the fishing is great and C means the lake might be fishing tough

Video Report Transcript

About Lake Belton

Lake Belton is reputed to have excellent angling opportunities for largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass. You are likely to find this to be a matter of quantity over quality. There are a good number of fish in the lake, but Belton is not known for producing trophy-class bass. There are, of course, exceptions, like the record fish of 13.97lb largemouth bass and a 6.43lb smallmouth bass. Check the links below to find out where are our Lake Pros are fishing and use the lure selector to find out what they are using to put fish on their line. 

Lake Belton Fishing Regulations

State regulations apply for all species on Lake Belton. Visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife website for more information about Lake Belton fishing records, stocking history and the latest survey report.

Fishing Regulations
Local Species