Lake Pro Fishing Feed — Lake Pro Tackle Skip to content

Lake Pro Fishing Feed

Check the Lake Pro Contributor Feed regularly to find out where the fish are, when they are biting and what they are hitting from local anglers who are on the water no less than 3 days a week. 

The Lake Pro Contributor Feed is primarily for the Lake Pros to share their most recent fishing outings to help you have similar results. Other comments will be moderated and sometimes it'll be awhile before anyone can get back to your question. If you do participate, remember, there are some instances where comments might get tossed back into the water. You'll be on the catch and release program if your comments: 

  • Are deemed to be spam or solely promotional in nature.
  • Include profanity or contain language or concepts that could be deemed offensive. 
  • Include abusive, threatening, pornographic, offensive, misleading or libelous language.
  • Attack an individual directly or that harass others. 
  • Are anonymous (we only accept comments from posters who identify themselves).
Lake Pro reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to the blog without notice. Like the weather, this comment policy is subject to change at any time. If you have any questions about the commenting policy, please let us know. You can contact us at