Picasso Shock Blade — Lake Pro Tackle Skip to content

Picasso Shock Blade

by Picasso
Sold out
Original price $11.59
Current price $6.99

Picasso Shock Blade

The Picasso Shock Blade is manufactured to bring you the very best in innovation and technology. The Patented design creates a lot of thumping vibration and hunting action even when reeled at a very slow retrieve. 1.5oz and 2oz come with the option of a large blade that creates a hard thumping vibration with a wider wobble, While the standard blade creates a very tight/quick action and vibration that can be "Burned" or "Ripped". Our design helps to keep the lure down and in the strike zone longer without rising which is a common complaint of other bladed swim jigs on the market. Staying in the strike zone means more fish in your live well.Constructed around our popular Smart Mouth Plus jig head with its concave belly that gives an added "wobble" action that fish can't resist. Equipped with a double bait keeper, one on the collar and a wire barb on the hook shaft prevents slippage and will keep your soft plastic secure cast after cast.The black blade creates a subtle flash that will produce strikes in all types of water clarity and light conditions.

Color: Green Pumpkin Tiger/Blue