Defiant Baby Bird Topwater Crawler — Lake Pro Tackle Skip to content

Defiant Baby Bird Topwater Crawler

by Defiant

Defiant Baby Bird Topwater Crawler

A scaled-down surface waking bird imitator built for aggressive topwater action, the Defiant Baby Bird Topwater Crawler is the smaller cousin of the Defiant Bird Topwater Crawler that taps into an often-overlooked prey category. Built with custom heavy-duty metal wings and a carefully molded body, a life-like splashing action is created upon a straight retrieve, mimicking the frantic movements of a struggling bird that’s fallen onto the water's surface.

Built for versatility, its internal ABS wired-through construction ensures durability against toothy predators like pike or muskie, while rotating hook hangers prevent leverage during intense battles. Armed with razor-sharp BKK Spear-21 treble hooks, the Defiant Baby Bird Topwater Crawler delivers unmatched performance honed through extensive testing and proves its effectiveness with heart-stopping attacks while targeting bird-eating gamefish.

Defiant Length Weight Class
Baby Bird 4" 1.6oz Floating
Color: Baby Goose