Lake Nocona | Texas — Lake Pro Tackle Skip to content

Lake Nocona
Fishing Report

About Lake Nocona

Lake Nocona is classified as the fourth-best bass fishing lake in Texas. The current record for largemouth on Lake Nocona is 13.40 pounds, 27.25 inches and was caught in 1977 by Tracy Fincher. Bass fishing on Nocona is good year-round. As far as aquatic vegetation goes, you'll find water willow, cattail, America Pondweed and American lotus. As for structure, you'll find rip-rap along the dam and standing timber in Farmers Creek.

Fishing Regulations

Local Species
  • Largemouth Bass
  • Spotted Bass

Current Lake Nocona Fishing Report

05-18-2023 | Read the Video Transcript
Grade B
Lake Pros rate their lakes A, B, or C based on how the lake is fishing. An A rating means the fishing is great and C means the lake might be fishing tough

Video Report Transcript

hey what's going on everyone Sam here from Lake Pro tackle guys this is a updated fishing report for Lake Nocona right now water temps around 75 Cooper is our Lake Pro to get us this information so thank you Cooper right now water Clarity on the lake is around two to three foot of visibility Cooper was fishing uh early in the morning to around midday with a fluke a five inch fluke if you want to see the exact color that he was using head over to the website like for he says stay shallow grind it out you'll get a ton of bites his biggest fish of the day was six pounds so great job Cooper thanks for watching guys we'll see you next time

About Lake Nocona

Lake Nocona is classified as the fourth-best bass fishing lake in Texas. The current record for largemouth on Lake Nocona is 13.40 pounds, 27.25 inches and was caught in 1977 by Tracy Fincher. Bass fishing on Nocona is good year-round. As far as aquatic vegetation goes, you'll find water willow, cattail, America Pondweed and American lotus. As for structure, you'll find rip-rap along the dam and standing timber in Farmers Creek.

Fishing Regulations
Local Species
  • Largemouth Bass
  • Spotted Bass