Possum Kingdom Reservoir
Fishing Report
Current Possum Kingdom Reservoir Fishing Report
Video Report Transcript
hey what's going on everyone Sam here from Lake Pro Tackle we've got a brand new current fishing report for Possum Kingdom Lake. Christian is the Lake Pro to get us this information so thank you Christian guys right now water temps are varying quite a bit as the springtime progresses right now water temps around the lake are going to be around 48 to 52 water Clarity on the south end is going to be 5 to 10 foot and Clarity on the North End is going to be around two to three foot visibility so quite a bit of difference as you go around the lake we are having a little bit of a warming Trend here so hopefully fishing starts to pick up as we move into pre-spawn Christian caught a bunch of fish the day he was out there and he said he caught most of his fish from a 7 to 20 foot of water on Rocky points around some Timber he said he's catching them on a-rigs crankbaits shaky heads and swim jigs so guys if you want to see the exact colors that Christian was using head over to the website lakeprotackle.com they're right there for easy check out if you want to go out there on Possum Kingdom and catch some fish thank you guys for watching we will see you next time
Gear for fishing Possum Kingdom Reservoir
The lures listed below are referenced in the current fishing report and recommended by our pros right now. For other pro recommended lures for Possum Kingdom Reservoir click here.
About Possum Kingdom Reservoir
Possum Kingdom provides great angling opportunities for a number of species. Florida-strain Bass have been stocked to increase your chance of catching a monster bass. Plus, Stripers are stocked frequently, and there are plenty of pretty-good sized White Bass. If you like fishing for catfish, you'll find Channel, Flathead, and some especially large Blue cats.
Fishing RegulationsLocal Species
- Largemouth Bass
- Striped Bass
- Smallmouth Bass